Irony of Screen Time

Good morning y'all. I'm Tami Green, the future teller, master meditator, and calmer of pandemonium.

This morning we're going to talk about the irony of screen time and how to follow your kids lead. I've been saying for a long time. I wrote an article earlier this year, I think it was published on Thrive Global, which is a HuffPost publication, I believe. I've been talking about how kids are prepared for this and what I want you to think about today.

I've been saying kids are prepared for this and what I want you to do today is not think about teaching your kids. I want you to think about what your kids can teach you. Now, why can I see what's going on? The big picture easier than some people. It's because many, many years ago I was diagnosed with a bunch of mental illnesses and I said, as God is my witness, like Scarlet O'Hara, I am going to figure this brain thing out the first step. And getting your brains on straight, being able to problem-solve and everything else is willingness. And so today I want you to be willing to say, I don't know the answers, I'm going to learn something new because guys, nothing's going back to the way it was. And if you guys go back to the way it was, sure in your personal comforts and things like that, I want you to, but if you guys go back and you don't learn the lessons about what's happening today, you've missed a huge opportunity. 

So let's talk about the irony of screen time and kids. We've been telling kids “Too much screen time, too much screen time” for a long time. And guess what? Those little skills that they've learned by being online according to LinkedIn, 2020 2019 probably 18, talked about the skills that are needed for the future. Things like animation, automation, coding, the things our kids are teaching themselves every day by getting online. While you're saying get off screen time, you think those skills aren't going to be needed more than ever. You do. You think they're not being needed more than ever right now. Okay. Digital teachers, parents, you're teaching your kids. Digital is here to stay, so figure out a way to follow your kids leads on what's important in their learning. Follow away to follow your kids. Lead on how they're learning. 

Gamification. Everyone's talking about gamification. It's the big new thing. It's not the big new thing with kids. E-sports is huge guys, your kids already know it. Kids are closer to God. They see things. They come out ready. Watch your kids today and learn from them and if you hear mine upstairs, shout out to Papa Bear Craig because he's trying to keep them quiet while they're on Zoom with their teachers and other things. Follow kids. Lead in your business. What kids are doing, what kids are looking at in business is where your business is going. I'm going to give you some examples of my kids and you can think of your own relationships. Culture. They know what's going on. I have two kids that are autistic and you know what they get frustrated by? Do you know what my kids would who are autistic get frustrated by? Why are kids with autism so frustrated because they're like, what's wrong with you? People, can't you see where this is going? We see where the future, maybe they're not so different. Maybe they're ahead of the curve. Maybe a lot of you guys are out there. 

My girls, my sweet girls, I told you, look for their Instagram channel. They are twins. They're on IG. We're putting it in the notes (@the_greentwins). They're are debuting today. They got this. They're not afraid of tech talk y'all. It's the wave of the future. Watch our kids today. The one thing I want to tell you today, don't teach your kids. Let them teach you.

Short and sweet for today, but powerful. Live tomorrow. Every day. Share like follow, subscribe. If you like this. Okay. Bye guys. As my son would say, sweet side.

💚 tg

About Tami Green  Speaker - Author - Coach - Philanthropist - Entrepreneur.  Known as one of the most respected coaches, endorsed by renowned Martha Beck, Congress and more, Tami’s intention is to be a catalyst for people of all backgrounds, experiences, creeds, cultures or professions, to realize their ‘superhero’ within. Tami’s programs mobilize people to practice higher thinking- to grow and be more through utilizing life’s lessons or chaos, and capitalize on what might be perceived to be obstacles which are truly opportunities to see beyond. She has a mission to validate that you are just what and where you must be. No second guessing. She gives permission to be your normal. Emotions are there to tell a story.  Examine your thoughts. Direct your life. Deliver to those who need to know what you have realized.  Tami openly tells her personal story and introduces her tenets of ‘thought technology’. Pulling stories from others and changing those stories if, or as, they need changed, she provides the guidance to rewrite your ‘script’. Contact Tami at

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