What is Really Happening Now?

Hi, good morning. I'm Tami Green. Coming to you from isolation in Texas.

We're going to talk about something of huge importance today. And I want to give you guys the overall picture of what's happening in our society, in our world today guys. Cause this is major. I've been saying for a while now that we're in the biggest Renaissance that has ever happened to humanity. And I want you guys to look back on history and think about this, the black death or the bubonic plague that killed half of the people in cities, right? It ushered in the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. And what's happening now is even bigger than that, right? I want you to think about what happened during the Renaissance. The most beautiful works of art were created. Education became more common for people. Literature, great literature plays. 

What's happening now is bigger than that. And let me explain why and how, and your place in that cause. I want you to spend a day thinking about this and instead of focusing on the problem, think about what's happening after the black death had stalled, the economy killed a lot of people. There was a resurgence, a huge resurgence in the economy and that's going to happen to us. Are you guys ready? I keep saying over and over again, I work with the most brilliant people that are frustrated with the way things are and they're feeling like their gifts and what they see is happening to the world is not being realized. Now's the time. One thing I say over and over again is the people I've worked with severe mental illness are the brightest, most brilliant people just waiting to be set free. This is your time. If you're a master and you know inside you that you have something big to give to this world or that you know in your heart that this world is going a certain direction and you're frustrated when people can't see it, now's the time. 

We have a huge opportunity right now.

Everything's been stripped away as far as our social selves and we’re having to do these things that people want us to do. Now is the time for us to create. Now's the time for us to create those brilliant works of art, the music that's going to sustain people for centuries.

  • If you are a scientist or a mathematician, now's the time you're going to crack the code.

  • If you are a mother who wants to nurture, this is the time.

  • Whatever it is, whatever your gift is inside, this is a time for you to use it.

  • If you're a gardener and you love bringing beauty to your yard, you're out there in your yard.

  • My musician friends are creating some of the most amazing things right now.

My friends that are coders are doing so much. It looks like nothing is happening, but everything's happening and I want you right now to think about what you were put on this earth to do. All those frustrations that you have and feel if you felt misunderstood, those are things to give you clues that now's your time. Now's your time. What are you creating? That's going to last for centuries. Right now. This is not a time to be depressed about. Oh, I can't go out outside my house. Now's the time to say, '“Oh my gosh, I get the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of the end of an era and the beginning of a new one”.

Your gifts and talents right now, what are they? Use them. Create your oddities, your weirdness. People that don't misunderstand you or the people that misunderstand you, they didn't know. They didn't know that everything you were about is this time in humanity. Guys, get out there or get inside, channel it. What were you put on this earth to do? To create? 

Now's the time. Do it. Get in your room alone. Make that film. Use what you have. Write that song. Create that masterpiece, even if it's just in your home, creating beauty. What beauty can you create now? What frustration do you have with society that you can right now, everything's upended for a reason. This is a good time. Go to my website, Tamigreen.com and sign up for more updates and inspiration. I want to hear from you guys. Tell me what you're doing. Share your story. Tell me about the beauty you're creating, right? And take the day to go inside. Get your thoughts out of the way you're should. It's your past and says, God, universe source. What is my purpose today? You're going to feel amazing. I love you guys. Have a beautiful week. I'll be back tomorrow. 10:00 AM central standard time. Love you guys. Oh, tomorrow I'm going to give you more tips on getting your stuff out there.

Love you guys. Bye.

💚 tg

About Tami Green Speaker – Author – Coach - Philanthropist – Entrepreneur Known as one of the most respected coaches, endorsed by renowned Martha Beck, Congress and more, Tami’s intention is to be a catalyst for people of all backgrounds, experiences, creeds, cultures or professions, to realize their ‘superhero’ within. Tami’s programs mobilize people to practice higher thinking – to grow and be more through utilizing life’s lessons or chaos, and capitalize on what might be perceived to be obstacles which are truly opportunities to see beyond. She has a mission to validate that you are just what and where you must be. No second guessing. She gives permission to be your normal. Emotions are there to tell a story. Examine your thoughts. Direct your life. Deliver to those who need to know what you have realized. Tami openly tells her personal story and introduces her tenets of ‘thought technology’. Pulling stories from others and changing those stories if, or as, they need changed, she provides the guidance to rewrite your ‘script’. Contact Tami at team@tamigreen.com

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