What is Important Now is Relationships (COVID-19)

Good morning everyone, this is Tami Green coming to you from the sunshine house, this little retreat I'm making for you all after this is all over. A place where we can discuss ideas and change the world together.

I'm a little tired this morning. My team and I are on the front lines just like the healthcare workers, just like our government officials, but we're on the front lines of those who've been abandoned right now by their mental health care providers.

We are working night and day to find resources for you guys to help you through this. It's out of my control, and one thing I can do is offer you some important things you can do right now, get your mind around what's really happening, and how you can make this work for you as the inventor of the brilliance code.

I know that problems always lead to opportunities, right? And that every problem we have is an opportunity for some good in the world. I know the problems that we're seeing right now in the world as far as medicine, as far as mental health, as far as the economy, eventually that's all going to be better than ever, right? In our personal economies are going to be better than ever.

If you watched me yesterday, I talked about what happens after a hurricane and how we rebuild, and we've done this many times here in Texas. You guys are going to rebuild too, but today I want to talk about the most important thing we should be focusing on through this.

There are opportunities right now, today, that is about relationships. Bill Gates has guys follow him, he is saying exactly that. Last night I was up late thinking about what to tell you, and then I got an email that he was saying exactly the same thing. This is a time for us to reflect on really what's important and it's relationships. So I want to talk today about relationships. I want to talk about your relationship to yourself, your relationship to this world and to your family, and everyone. I want us to put in perspective what's happening right now. You guys have more time for self-reflection right now. Self-reflection is one of the most important things we can do with our life, especially when we get so busy and hectic. I know that better than anyone when I am not quiet and can’t self reflect. I know better than everyone. When I get so busy on tasks, I lose my connection with God. Source. The Universe. The Truth that grounds me into what's important. And I talk so many times higher thinking; higher thinking is the ability to look up and look at the broad picture of what's happening rather than getting so focused on this little microcosm of anxiety. Right? So I want to bring your thinking up to the big picture today on what's happening. And I hope it not only gives you comfort, but it makes you feel like you have some purpose in all of this.

So let's talk about relationships.

If you think about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a lot of people are familiar with that. Then he later added that at the top of it is self-transcendence that goes above self-actualization. What self-transcendent transitions that you got it with, that is, it's the same as enlightenment y'all. We're all seeking growth too to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment is the place where we can let go. We're this tiny person, and we can see our place in the whole universe. That's a big concept. I want you today to see your place in the whole universe, what's happening in the whole universe, and your part in that. So let's talk about that a little bit.

At the end of this, I'm going to give you some great skills and tips on how to deal with relationships right now cause we're all under a lot of stress and it's affecting our relationships, and there are some good skills. I want you to think about thinking at the highest level; we are part of the bigger picture. And with COVID19, we see we're not an island unto ourselves. This is a global thing and we are all globally connected. We're globally connected in a negative way with this virus spreading, and we're globally connected in a positive way by helping each other. Right?

So let's start thinking about, think about, our brothers and sisters. Think about humanity in other countries. It doesn't matter your gender, your race, your culture. We are all going through the same thing. We're all human beings, and I want you to think about that, and I want to add, no matter your political affiliation, each of us is going through the same thing, and you know what? Every day we go through the same thing. Every day we get up, and we breathe air, and we need to make a living for our families, and we need to take care of our families and our health. Every one of us, we're humans.

Think about your connection to everyone and extend some compassion to other people. Take yourself out of your own self and think about extending compassion, love, and peace to other people. I grew up as a Christian. A lot of you aren't Christians. Please don't dismiss this because it applies to all of us. I love and study all religions. There's a scripture that I grew up with that I think was from Jesus. I can't remember, it said something about pray for the peace that passes understanding. Think about that for a minute. We need to grab onto peace that goes beyond our understanding. This is what I'm always talking about. Higher thinking. Our understanding is so small. Even if we're trying every day to see all the news and everything, we can't understand what's going on, but if we can do some things to empty our mind and get quiet and listen to this, listen to the stuff I'm putting out there. We can see we can have peace because we can see what's going on. It passes our understanding, and that's the place we're trying to get to every day with what I teach, we have to pass our limited understanding and look at the big picture. That's where peace, that's where truth is. So we're going to take it from this global place, it's a relationship we have to the world, and we're going to take it down to our families and our other relationships that we're dealing with every day. And we're going to talk about how stress affects relationships.

I moved into this house a week ago in the middle of the craziness.

Things were starting to shut down my movers, were so fricking rude. I was like, I don't even know what's going on with you guys. And I was, I personally was torn between anger and compassion, and I made a choice at the end of the day to connect personally with them and find out what was going on. The driver of the truck who was really stressed out the whole time was telling me how badly he wanted to get back to his family and how he was worried about them. He was resenting having to do this job for other people when he couldn't take care of his family. So I want you to think about the people you're interacting with. I want you to think about the people that you're interacting with every day and where they're coming from because we all have a lot on our minds and when we're under stress, look at Gottman's research, Dottma and look at his research on couples and how they react to each other under stress. And you can use that research. It's just an easy way to get to this research, but it's in a lot of different areas.

When we get under stress, we are so quick to respond. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to think for a moment about emptying the chatter in your own brain about what you think is important. When you talk, when you're talking to other people, your child, your employee, your employer, vendors, whomever it, I want you to practice today, emptying the chatter in your own mind and just focusing on what they're saying.

Try to understand where they are coming from. It's really hard when we feel like we can't even kind of cope during the day. But if you'll do that, if you will take a moment and think, what is this? Where is this other person coming from? What's important to them? It's going to improve all your relationships. If you just do it a couple of times, I promise you things are going to get better. Things are going to get better. So this is a time to let go of judgments about where the other person's coming from and just try to understand for a moment because this is really hard with people who are difficult. I know, and if you can't understand, don't respond. Right? So that's some really good skills for you guys. But I want you to think about using this time and guys; this is going to pass as quickly as it came on. We can see that in other countries now it's going to pass. So use this time. Use this time to reflect on what's important to you. Nurture those relationships. Do something nice for someone else today in any way you can.

And the last piece of this is your relationship to yourself. I talk a lot about using the time to think about what's important to you and what you really want and who you want to show up as in this world. Use that time to think about that. Ask yourself, who do I want to be in this world right now? When I look back, am I going to be the person that was helping rescue people from the rebel, or am I the person that ran away?

Guys, I am so upset with the mental health organizations and therapists that are there to serve people in a mental health crisis. We're in a mental health crisis, and they've shut down their practices. They should be going online for free. I'm going to rant about this for a minute. It's important. I want people to think about it. I want to challenge mental health professionals to help, to reach out, to really be there and trust me, so many people are doing that, but I want to challenge you guys to do even more, and if you're not a mental health professional, you're just a person, you know, support someone else. Our doctors are so overloaded right now. We have a doctor in our family, and he's risking getting COVID19 every day. He's exhausted because not only is he serving patients, but he's advocating for best practices for people. The other thing that's really hard is guys, not all of us are affected this way, but some of us are affected where we can't see our family members. We can't touch our children.

I was talking to someone last night, and he has friends. Their child is dying, and they won't let him in the hospital to be with this child during his last breaths because of COVID, and he's not even showing any symptoms, so we've got to think about humanity more. I don't care if you have a certification or not. If you've experienced something rough and the people I work with who've gone through mental health crises and tough things, that's the people I work with. You guys have already figured this out, right? You figured this out. You've done it. Get out there and be the coach.

Be the light you want to be this light you wish to see in the world. Right? You can really listen to this and think about it cause this is one of the most important things I've talked about in a while. As for you guys that I've worked with like Bonnie, thanks to Bonnie for being here that are making a difference in the world. Just get still, you'll find a way to do something great right now. Also, tomorrow, my sweet husband is going to be on with me. My husband is in the financial industry, and the economic situation is one of the things that's causing us the most stress right now. He's going to talk about the state of the economy, but he's going to spend most of the time talking about how to manage your personal situation. For example, do I pay my mortgage this month, or how do I do it? People are not knowing how to manage their cashflow. And he's going to give you a lot of practical examples based on his experience and research. He's a leader in this industry, and I'm really happy to have him on tomorrow. Join me every day at 10:00 AM central standard time on Facebook and YouTube. This is going live at 10 Central Standard Time. If you're helping people, please post that. We want to know what you're doing. Okay, guys, I love you. I'm hoping to get a nap today, but probably not love you guys am here for you. All right, talk soon.

💚, tg

About Tami Green Speaker – Author – Coach - Philanthropist – Entrepreneur Known as one of the most respected coaches, endorsed by renowned Martha Beck, Congress and more, Tami’s intention is to be a catalyst for people of all backgrounds, experiences, creeds, cultures or professions, to realize their ‘superhero’ within. Tami’s programs mobilize people to practice higher thinking – to grow and be more through utilizing life’s lessons or chaos, and capitalize on what might be perceived to be obstacles which are truly opportunities to see beyond. She has a mission to validate that you are just what and where you must be. No second guessing. She gives permission to be your normal. Emotions are there to tell a story. Examine your thoughts. Direct your life. Deliver to those who need to know what you have realized. Tami openly tells her personal story and introduces her tenets of ‘thought technology’. Pulling stories from others and changing those stories if, or as, they need changed, she provides the guidance to rewrite your ‘script’. Contact Tami at team@tamigreen.com

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