How Hurricanes Prepared Me For This

Hi, I’m Tami Green, the pandemonium calmer. 

(For those who watched this as a live broadcast, I'm sorry, not sorry, if my eyes didn’t “pop” this morning, but I was in the middle of a pandemic and I couldn’t find my eyeliner.) 

If you know anything about me, I invented the Brilliance Code which teaches you that problems always can lead to a brighter future if you can see the opportunity in them. 

Even with all that’s going on with COVID-19, I'm going to try to get your mindset a little bit wrapped around the good news and the opportunities that are coming from this pandemic.

And I know it's been super hard, and trust me, I've been wobbly. I've had some hard days. But as my mom used to say when I was a little girl, “this too will pass” and we need to keep that in perspective.

We need to practice getting our thoughts into a better place. Me included—just ask my husband.

Back to the Brilliance Code, here’s how it works:

The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity. Right now, we’ve got to focus our eyes on our personal and also the global positive possibilities.

I'm from Texas, and we lead the nation in natural disasters. I personally have been through tropical storms, flooding, hurricanes. 

Here are the steps to get through a hurricane, and they apply to what you are going through with COVID-19:

  1. The news predicts the hurricane is coming your way.

  2. We buy supplies and board up our houses.

  3. We have a hurricane party. For drinkers out there, these parties entail a lot of alcohol and for those of us who have small children, it's just about lighting candles and having fun. 

  4. We brace ourselves for what is coming. Things are going to go one of two ways: either it's going to veer off course and miss us or it's going to come straight on us. The worst case scenario is it's going to dump rain on us for five days and the whole city is going to be flooded just like what happened in Houston. If that happens, here's the next thing that happens. 

  5. Resources come in from all over the world. The last time we went through a hurricane, my kids and I were in our little apartment and when we stepped outside, the Cajun Navy was in our parking lot. These volunteers had driven in from Louisiana to rescue people by boat. And then I watched a helicopter fly over from the Las Vegas police department. Later, my kids’ school counselor called with free BarBQ, food and diapers. My cell phone carrier deferred my payment. The list goes on and on. I was humbled and amazed by all the assistance I hadn’t even asked for.

This is the stage we are in right now. Guys, right now, resources are starting to come in from everywhere. Look for them. Starting with the stimulus package that was passed early this morning.

6. We rebuild. We’re really close to getting to the rebuild part of this. We've got two or three weeks at home. Make the best of it: 

  • Play

  • Hold each other

  • Rest 

  • Catch up on Netflix 

  • Cook 

  • Clean

  • Serve someone 

And here is something else to do:  I want you to dream. Because what's going to happen next is that we are going to rebuild our lives. When these resources come in, you're going to get to rebuild your life the way you want it.  So spend the next couple of weeks, it's been the next couple of weeks, figuring out the life you want. 

Ask yourself: “If someone handed me a check today for $200,000 how would I rebuild my life? What would I do career wise? What would I do with my house? 

You may just get inspired to start working on that dream today—in isolation. (Just like I’m writing my next book.)

Rest up. The rebuilding is about to come, and we are all going to be working hard. But it's going to be fun work—rebuilding our lives exactly as we want them.


About Tami Green Speaker – Author – Coach - Philanthropist – Entrepreneur Known as one of the most respected coaches, endorsed by renowned Martha Beck, Congress and more, Tami’s intention is to be a catalyst for people of all backgrounds, experiences, creeds, cultures or professions, to realize their ‘superhero’ within. Tami’s programs mobilize people to practice higher thinking – to grow and be more through utilizing life’s lessons or chaos, and capitalize on what might be perceived to be obstacles which are truly opportunities to see beyond. She has a mission to validate that you are just what and where you must be. No second guessing. She gives permission to be your normal. Emotions are there to tell a story. Examine your thoughts. Direct your life. Deliver to those who need to know what you have realized. Tami openly tells her personal story and introduces her tenets of ‘thought technology’. Pulling stories from others and changing those stories if, or as, they need changed, she provides the guidance to rewrite your ‘script’. Contact Tami at

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